Discord Plans
If you want to learn Elliott Waves, Supply Demand and trade in active community then as a premium subscriber to discord server, you will get access to
Daily Plan/Analysis of SPY, QQQ, DIA, IWM, BTC and stocks.
Market commentary and updates through the day
Trade Alerts for Options Swings, Scalps along with the analysis of the ticker
Educational Sessions and access to all the recorded content and books
Stock Analysis and Ideas for short term and long term
Get your own choice of tickers analyzed and learn EW analysis
Members chat to discuss with peer traders.
Access to Substack posts.
Weekly Prep call
Substack Plans
As a premium subscriber to RB Swing Trader's substack, you will get access to
Weekly Plan/Analysis of SPY, QQQ, DIA, IWM, BTC, ETH, COIN and updates on macros (TLT, TNX, DXY)
Analysis of Magnificent 7 Stocks (AAPL, AMZN, GOOG, META, MSFT, NVDA, TSLA) in Weekly Posts.
Commodities Gold, Silver, Crude and Natural Gas in weekly Posts.
S&P Sector updates and rotations on monthly basis.
Other Stock Analysis and Ideas for short term and long term which RB is interested in trading.
Two incremental updates (Tuesday and Thursday) during the week to track the changes in the Weekly newsletter.
Videos and Educational Content is shared regularly.
Weekly prep call via Zoom
Access to Discord Channels to get Pre-Market Updates Daily on Indexes, Cryptos, Mag 7 and other A+ Setups. It doesn't include active chatting or trade alerts.